Wednesday Workshop – Have your say!

It’s been tricky – but the Team have continued to work towards  developing our Neighbourhood Plan.  Your responses to Questionnaire 1 have shaped the Vision and Objectives of the draft Plan – which are revealed in the new website section and will be discussed in two online workshops that we will run next week.

The digital format has come into it’s own over the last year as in-person meetings have been impossible.  Some parishes have found that being able to listen to, or join in, discussions from home has increased public participation in events that they have run.  This is a first for Aldington & Bonnington Parish Council!  We hope that it will make this workshop more accessible and encourage younger people to have their say too.  A more conventional ‘exhibition’ type event will run later in the year.

In the mean time – please do email the Clerk ( ) for the Zoom link, stating which time suits you best. ( or call/message Cllr. Linda Harman on 07802 776779) Hope to see you on Wednesday!