Our Parish Council consists of nine councillors and is assisted by the Clerk. Our job is to represent the interests of the village and its residents to both the local council (Ashford Borough Council) and Kent County Council. We represent your views on Planning Applications received by the planning authority.  We are responsible for looking after and maintaining public facilities in our joint parishes, such as the village green and Reynolds Playing fields, the children’s play parks  and the tennis courts – and report issues with facilities owned by the Borough or County Council to the departments responsible.

All meetings of Aldington & Bonnington Parish Council are open to the public and anyone is welcome to come along. The full council meeting currently takes place on the second Monday of each month at 7.30pm. Normally this is in the EcoCentre on Goldwell Lane, but current restrictions on meetings mean that they are now held online. An agenda is displayed on this site a minimum of three working days before each meeting. There is  a ‘public session’ on every agenda – this usually lasts 10 minutes and allows residents to address the meeting. The minutes of each meeting are also available on this website.

As well as attending monthly council meetings, councillors regularly represent Aldington & Bonnington at meetings of Ashford Borough Council’s Parish Forum and the Ashford meetings of the Kent Association of Local Councils.

The Parish Council is currently working on scoping the key areas of concern for our Neighbourhood Plan, having been accepted as a Designated Neighbourhood Planning Area in November 2019

Click here for the current list of councillors and their contact details.

The Localism Act 2011 and the Code of Conduct requires all Parish Councillors to register and disclose any ‘Disclosable Pecuniary Interests’ with the Council’s Monitoring Officer. Click here to view individual Councillors’ registered Disclosable Pecuniary Interests as listed on the Ashford Borough Council website.