Thank you for making the Village Fete great!

Typically – the Bank Holiday weather was less than perfect, but, despite a breezy day and a brief rain shower, the Village Fete provided a fun day out for all ages and an opportunity to catch up with friends and neighbours, old and new.

There was lots to do. An excellent turn out in the children’s fancy dress competitions were judged by Margaret Gibbs and Peter New and everyone who dressed up went away with a prize. The fun dog show, organised by Rod Gibbs, attracted over 30 entries (both pedigree and Heinz 57) and was judged by Peter Edgar, with the winning dogs taking away a tasty treat. Ashford Youth Jazz Orchestra entertained the crowd and got feet tapping with two fantastic sets, with one of their first major performances for over a year due to the lock down. Thank you to Colleen Loader for organising.

Amanda and David Hughes brought along some of their fantastic collection of historic images of Aldington and Bonnington as well as biographies of some of the brave men who are remembered on the new war memorial.

Children were entertained with a number of stalls thanks to the wonderful volunteers –Rachael Tyson, Andrew and Louise Bowman, Stephen Wagstaff, Matt Baldwin, Sharon Swandale, Icy Wong, Jasper Baldwin and Harry Baker. Special thanks to Mark Patterson aka The Custard Pie & Water Man for his ‘Carry on Sponging’ stand and for all the ongoing support for this event behind the scenes.

Jerry Newsom was an amazing compere and the many stall holders who came along made the day. We thank them all for their support.  We must especially mention the Pilgrims Hospice volunteers for their wonderful toy and plant stall and for help setting up – Bill, Lau and John Taylor.

Afternoon teas were served throughout the afternoon by a number of volunteers from St Martin’s Church and we are grateful to everyone who supplied a home-made cake or ingredients including the WI and to Karen /The Walnut Tree for the delicious scones. Thanks also to Karen’s team for keeping the party going into the evening with a BBQ  and hog roast cooked by Ivor.

Thank you also to Sally Newall / Simply Ice Cream and Doug Wanstall / Bank Farm for the hay bale seating.

We had a fantastic selection of raffle prizes kindly donated by local businesses. Our thanks to Roberta Spicer, Maureen & Mary for managing the raffle and to all of the following:

NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield https:

DP Vehicles, Sellindge https:

Barry Scousesoundz Briggs

Louise Bowman, LBV Bookkeeping Services Ltd

Helena Tobitt at Blooming Delicious, Aldington

Beyond Beauty Retreat, Ruckinge https:

April Rose Retreat, Aldington https:

Harrisons Hair Team https:

The Dog House Micro Pub https:

Dandelions and Daisies (The Old Good Intent Pub on the Frith Road, Aldington)

Aldington Post Office

Harringe Plants at Potton Farm, Sellindge:

Sue Marshman and the crafters.

Final thanks go to Brenda and Peter Kemp, Alison Baldwin, Ginny Taylor and all other Parish Council members, without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible.  If we’ve left anyone out – apologies. This was truly a Village Event and we are indebted to everyone who participated to make it happen and to all those who came along to make doing so worthwhile.  Events bring communities together so we very much hope that you enjoyed this one and will support us doing more. the profit from this event will be ring fenced for the next one.